Thursday, March 6, 2008

Pbwiki pros and cons

Wiki is a great program.It is a really good way to present documents and projects.You can also customize it and work on it at home.The cons are that they are really slow at times.They are really hard to get into.They are really easy to do a project on they are open for many customizes.This is awesome to do if you are or aren't a big computer guy.Wikis are all in all a good program.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Their is one right that is seriously limited at school and that is the right to trial by jury.We can't exercise this right what so ever.If they think we did something stupid or broke a rule they automatically give us the punishment.They could find we where Innocent later on and we wouldn't get anything,but an every one makes mistakes.Then we would have to make p the work the unfair punishment made us miss.We would fall back and do poorly on test.Also we would be marked for it on our permanent record.That could cost us a college education.

In public it's another story.You Can not get thrown in jail until proven guilty.Then again the stakes are hire in public.That still isn't fair that we are automatically guilty.In public they even give you a free attorney.We should have this right because almost every time we get in trouble we are not proven guilty.In public a group of 12 decide your fate.At school it's your principal that decides your fate.So its not fair for students who are innocent and aren't really proven guilty.

School limits this right to the point where we don't even have it.They say the limit our rights because exercising them will disrupts student learning.What i want know is how getting a fair chance to be proven innocent or guilty disrupts learning.We should have a fair chance to be proven innocent.The constitution as been some what violated in the past.Their is one phrase that is true."Innocent until proven guilty"

Monday, March 3, 2008

My most important right

The most important right i have is freedom of speech.Most people don't really exercise this right.I really don't know why they don't exercise this right .Most people say how they would love to tell someone of yet they keep shut.You can curse him out.This is the right that lets you act stupid.You can got to a cop and tell him to f@$# off.Remember We have the right the point is for us to exercise it.So go say something stupid that gets you in trouble.